WELCOME back to NATURE and take a closer look at the production of
DANINI – handmade SOAPS made by a traditional recipe
Training 1
This online PROGRAM for learning a unique CRAFT is worth its weight in GOLD.
The program consists of a theoretical and practical part, which include:
Theoretical part:
A brief history and basic chemistry of soap production – A brief introduction to the process – Materials, ingredients, and equipment required – Mastering the saponification process (oils converted into soap). – Safety aspects when using sodium hydroxide – The most effective oils and butter used in soap making – Super-fat (excessive oils in the soap for extra care). – Prevention from rancidity and DOS (yellow spots on the soap)
– Understanding the different levels of "trace" – Alternative options for soap coloring – Alternative liquids in soap making and how to use them – Essential oils – origin, Latin name, method of extraction, type and smell, benefits, dosage in natural soap – Calculator tutorial – how to create your own soap recipe for different skin types – Illustrated calculator instructions – Adding herbal flowers into the soap for natural color, fragrance, and healing properties of the soap and their dosage – Using oil infusions or herbal decoctions in the soap – Adding color to the soap – Procedure – how the soap is made – Contact details of raw material supply companies – Inci – International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients
Ready-made recipes that you get with the training:
Hypoallergenic soap Natural goat milk soap Natural soap for dry skin care Natural soap for oily skin care Natural soap for psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis Natural solid shampoo with nettle
Practical work
1. Hypoallergenic soap – video, how to make soap for delicate and sensitive skin 14.21 min.
2. Natural soap with goat milk – video, how to make soap with goat milk 20.14 min.
3. Natural soap for dry skin care/adding glycerin forms to soap 18.08 min.
4. Natural solid shampoo with nettle – video, how to make soap for hair care and fast growth.
5. Mold lining, testing the pH value of the soap, printing the soap with your company or brand logo, drying and packaging of the soap 49.07 min.
SUBSCRIBE and be part of our program that offers you SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE converted into a product.
Certified training from a successful company and experts with years of experience in the craft and multiple one-on-one trainings conducted with a physical presence and online.
After completing the training, you will receive a CERTIFICATE for successfully completed and mastered training.